Religious Education

At Beacon View Primary Academy, we believe that it is vital for all of our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. Through religious education, pupils develop their knowledge of the world faiths, and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, societies, cultures and communities. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences.  

By the time pupils leave Beacon View, their learning from religious education will have made a significant contribution in helping them to develop into tolerant and respectful global citizens who can demonstrate the skills and attitudes needed to participate fully in and positively contribute to life in modern Britain.  

At Beacon View, we follow the Hampshire agreed syllabus: The Living Difference IV.  

The Living Difference IV

Through this, the children explore a range of concepts in which they examine both their own and others’ beliefs. Running through the curriculum are 4 golden threads, Special, Community, Belonging and Love, which the children revisit and explore in different units. This approach enables the children to develop an in depth understanding and build upon their previous knowledge. Each term, the children adopt an enquiry based approach in order to explore a key question about a given concept. This enquiry based approach consists of 5 key steps: 

  1. Communicate (where the children explain their thoughts and feelings about the concept)  
  2. Apply (where the children think about how the concept affects their own life)  
  3. Inquire (where the children find out what the concept means to others)  
  4. Contextualise (where the children find out what religious people understand by the concept or idea and how this impacts their lives)  
  5. Evaluate (where the children look at why the concept or idea is important to religious people and consider how important it is to them.)  

As the children progress through the school, they learn about both Dharmic and Abrahamic traditions.  

Click here to view our RE Long-Term plan

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